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Red Panda Mindset - Apex Apes
30 Aufrufe
vor 14 Tagen
13 Kommentare
When Apes ruled the earth, everything was different. The strongest got the best food, the biggest got the most mates And the loudest got the highest branch of the tree, where he or she could show their splendour to the world. The craziest got shunned... The craziest Ape, was naked... But he also got everything after the dust would settle... For it just so happend be, that the craziest of them all, was indeed naked! And through that nakedness, the hairless one had to struggle more than the others. Fight for food, fight for cover, fight... for love... This, naked Ape was called OOOH!!! And he was not so named for his crazy looks. Nooo... He was called OOOH, because whomever got to face him in battle, would say just that, with its last dying breath to spare... That naked Ape, was the Apex of Apes. That naked Ape, was you... Enjoy this track about Apes. Naked Apes to be precise. And if you got the time, please tell me what you think😉✌️Love and Peace my friends!
9 Kommentare
Sometimes, things get handed to you, on a silver platter. Dont be fooled though. Because often, it means these wonderful things, can come with a price. Now, on the off chance, its a free opportunity for you to jump in on something great... take it! But still, be weary. Oooh, be weary my friends... Because the price, always gets paid... and sometimes, its your head that goes on that same, old, Silver platter... Just saying. Have a great Monday night people, and enjoy my latest crazy AmbiHipHopian track thats a bit... on the dark-side of things... 😜
Red Panda Mindset - Kafka's Dance
29 Aufrufe
vor 25 Tagen
10 Kommentare
Kafka wanted to go for a walk. As he went outside onto the streets of Prague, he noticed a weird sound. Suddenly, a gust of wind swiped him from his feet! He spinned around, and he was lifted up atleast 40 feet in the air!!! When he came down, the spinning stopped and the street beneath his feet appeared different. He sat on the floor for a few minutes when he saw a man, just a few meters away, sitting behind a strange instrument. "Whats that?!?" he asked. "Its a synthesizer good sir. Welcome to 1999" the man replied. "Hmmm, can i test it out?" Kafka asked "Sure thing buddy!" And thus Kafka sat behind the keyboard filled with strange buttons and glowing lights. This, is his work from that day. That strange, delightful sunny day... when Kafka got warped into our timeline. After he played this piece, he disappeared into thin air again. Some say it was that moment, he turned to writing his masterworks way back when in History's past. I mean... who knows right? Love and Peace my friends 😉
6 Kommentare
Time for something dark. Something deep like thunder... but it wont stop with just one flash and a bang. No... This one, will fill you... Obsidian is a stone or glass thats linked with magical powers of old. It is said, that this volcanic glass contains shards and remnants from a world that no longer exists. In that world, beings roamed the earth that can only be imagined now. Like wizards and demons, witches and gnomes. Good, bad, evil and enlightened creatures that could manipulate the world by sheer force of willpower... Thats the reason, why mirrors, made out of the purest Obsidian, can show you the truth about yourself and the world we live in. In legends of way back, it is said that massive mirrors existed where Nobleman, Knights and Beggars came to see from far away lands, only to go absolutely mad... Welcome to this song. Please enjoy it, but dont stare to deeply into this mirror. It might just make you go... insane... Love and Peace. And please, tell me what you think😁
10 Kommentare
When we look through the eyes of our inner mind, we can see our self. But the sight is often tainted. In this day and age, sometimes we tend to see with eyes that are not our own. Its the image of our self worth, that can make or break our mental state of being. Mental Highrise, is about just that. Its about you, saying things like "I'm not good enough. I'm not beautiful enough. I'm not worthy..." And you say it out of fear for being rejected... The anonymous followers, telling you what to do and what to look like. Saying you are to fat or just plain ugly... Let them talk. And than, let me tell you some simple facts. You are good enough, you are more than beautiful and you are worthy! Woman and man alike. But only, if you rise above it and see it for what it really is. Its not about ego. Its about acceptance of the self and brushing the hate away with love. Self-love, to be exact. Enjoy this track and if you want, reflect on what i just said... because you are, beautiful.