SasArie Productions
Music written from the heart. Love and Peace. Hybrid!!
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Electro Pop
Electro Pop
9 Kommentare
Cannibal dreams are made of these... Who am i to disagree??? Well... If its up to this lady, your ass is toast. Quite literally. They say the Butt, has the best cuts of meat for a toasty anyway... Although i think she might go straight for some Spareribs, with BBQ sauce. Yummy! Have a go with this quite dark Funky farts track i just finished about a deranged lunatic with a craving for long pig. And let me know how you like your Spareribs? Fall of the bone, or crackling and chewy? Love and Peace my friends! Maybe just one piece... one bite? Ow come on, i promise it only hurts a little bit for a few days... 🤣🤣😏😜
Electro Pop
Red Panda Mindset - Pump it
29 Aufrufe
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Electro Pop
17 Kommentare
Pump it... This lady is up to no good. And that's just the way we like it! Ehm... Well... that is to say "we" as in... Oh, who am i kidding. We like it! If you don't know what i mean, you're probably to young for this track. So move along and find some new grounds to play on. Because this one, is for the naughty minded grownups on PB alright. At times, sexy time songs, are the best songs for the best of times. As you all know, I'm all for love. And love is definitely what's being made here. So hang on to your chair my friends, and get ready to... Pump it! Love and peace my friends. Loooove and peace!😋✌️😍
11 Kommentare
Something totally different again! This one will go back to back with some of my better Love songs. Its kinda in the same theme park as Funky farts Daddy cheater, except, its absolutely nothing like the angry stuff you get to hear from that album. This one, is about a girl who went for a simple flirt, but she got caught by her man in the act... And he didn't like what he saw. so, things abruptly ended... But, she's determent to get her boy back, because she saw her error and now... she'll do anything to get back on track with the one she really loves the most. What do you say... Does she deserve it...? Or does she get a second chance? Have a listen, because this lady is serious about love alright... Love and Peace my friends! Loved and peace!!!
Electro Pop
Electro Pop
13 Kommentare
Daddy cheater... Oh my, this dude has gone of the books and went cheating. The girl wont take it though... Have a blast on this one when you ever have bin cheated upon. Maybe you can let go of some shit that's still lingering from the ordeal, or just try to relate and scream along with this woman who got scorned and is on a rampage for revenge now. Yeah, the tracks are really growing impatient to be released for this album, and you guys are the first ones to hear them. Tell me what you think, if you like them and or if you would like to hear something for yourself that i could turn into a song. Input and information, is a most sought after commodity these days... so all idea's are more than welcome! 😋😉 Love and Peace my friends. Oh.. and Funky farts is all about anger. GRRRR!!! Come up with some stuff that's really making you feel like kicking a bucket (or a face...), and i might just have a go at it. 😜
Electro Pop
Electro Pop
17 Kommentare
As you can see, my work is a fluidic kind of thing. Funky farts essentially started out as a super crazy dip into dark techno SFX tracks. But the album is gradually turning into more songwriter styled craziness. Dark tracks, theming with blood, guts and glorified hate, mixed with musical highlights and emotional junk. But that's just how i work. Funky farts will always be my go-to-place for my darker side of things. And thus, this track explores the hate that flows after a breakup of epic proportions. People have these feelings, and even tough you shouldn't always follow up on them, they do linger in the back of our minds. If you ever feel like smashing stuff up, come to Funky farts and have a listen. maybe you'll be able to let shit go and have an outlet for all the anger. Dance around in the nude for all i care, but do move that ass on the beat and throw some air punches. I wont judge. I'm only here to help. Love and Peace my friends. Or in this case... Trash and Anger my guys.😉