Maxi is back !!! - Sry Boys - I was so busy doing my nails, hair, shaving,!!! So I was get some Help - many thx to PB Entertainment & Legendry Score Master - THX also to Crazy E "Princess of POP" for the connect
Hi Máxima, thanks for following me. You have some really cool songs. I'd like to ask a question. Is it necessary to have the commercial royalties purchased from the loops in order to share the songs in produced base? I'm new to this and it's not very clear in the terms if it's possible or not. Thank you very much.
Terrific work !!!!!!! Thank you for regularly listening to our music too, it is appreciated, I don't get much time to hear everyones uploads so please leave me a message in future so I can grab a listen when you upload new work. Cheers, Clive 😎