Red Panda Mindset - Spread the Love
I just saw a homeless woman with one of my cameras, sitting on a park bench. She held a baby in her arms while it was raining. When you're homeless, you often dont have many options to choose from. So she held a makeshift umbrella in her hand, and even though she got wet herself, her baby was dry as a whistle. She smiled at her baby and she said something to her little one that i couldn't distinguish. Except for the unmistakable words "I love you" many, many times over. She was waiting for a social-worker to come and help her out, and after a few minutes, she stepped into his car to a safer place. I know a lot of these folks nowadays, and i can tell you, she's not one of the crazy ones. She's just down on her luck, like everyone can go through at times. Anyway, this song was inspired by her and those words she said to her baby. This world really needs more love... and if this lady can give so much in that situation, than so can all of us. Love and Peace my friends.