Red Panda Mindset - Break the chains
Electro Pop
Another track for my album "Loosing my Mind" about the mindset you need to adapt to stop using certain substances. Today, a man found out he had crawled through the eye of a needle with nothing more than his life as a bargain chip. This realisation when waking up in a hospital bed, sent him spiralling though the horrors of what could have happend if he wasn't found in time by the paramedics. A true story, told many, many times all over the world, every single day... This song is inspired by that single moment in time that comes for all who use and abuse drugs, and its based on a warning from death himself. Because when the day comes when he comes knocking, he wont be joking with his final embrace. Yeah, a bit dark for a typical Monday morning. But hey, its just what came to me this night 😅 Have a good day folks. Love and Peace my friends. And dont do drugs kids...