Red Panda Mindset - Funky farts: Daddy cheater
Electro Pop
Daddy cheater... Oh my, this dude has gone of the books and went cheating. The girl wont take it though... Have a blast on this one when you ever have bin cheated upon. Maybe you can let go of some shit that's still lingering from the ordeal, or just try to relate and scream along with this woman who got scorned and is on a rampage for revenge now. Yeah, the tracks are really growing impatient to be released for this album, and you guys are the first ones to hear them. Tell me what you think, if you like them and or if you would like to hear something for yourself that i could turn into a song. Input and information, is a most sought after commodity these days... so all idea's are more than welcome! 😋😉 Love and Peace my friends. Oh.. and Funky farts is all about anger. GRRRR!!! Come up with some stuff that's really making you feel like kicking a bucket (or a face...), and i might just have a go at it. 😜