Red Panda Mindset - Apex Apes
32 Aufrufe
13 Kommentare
When Apes ruled the earth, everything was different. The strongest got the best food, the biggest got the most mates And the loudest got the highest branch of the tree, where he or she could show their splendour to the world. The craziest got shunned... The craziest Ape, was naked... But he also got everything after the dust would settle... For it just so happend be, that the craziest of them all, was indeed naked! And through that nakedness, the hairless one had to struggle more than the others. Fight for food, fight for cover, fight... for love... This, naked Ape was called OOOH!!! And he was not so named for his crazy looks. Nooo... He was called OOOH, because whomever got to face him in battle, would say just that, with its last dying breath to spare... That naked Ape, was the Apex of Apes. That naked Ape, was you... Enjoy this track about Apes. Naked Apes to be precise. And if you got the time, please tell me what you think😉✌️Love and Peace my friends!
13 Kommentare
Red Mindset Productie
Thnx Thrift! Glad you like it😁
Really Nice!
Red Mindset Productie
OI! T-dubble-U! Long time no speak my man! I hope you're doing well. And thank you😁
Red Mindset Productie
RTFschl! So you know the man we all know as, That Man...? 😁 Thank you very much for your kind word, and... i'm feeling a teensyweensy bit scared now. What, is happening...?!?🫠 But tonight i'll give Clive your regards my new and mysterious friend.
What can I say? You're stuff is so very clever and unique. Been off a few months due to life but hopefully back now to listen to more of your stuff.